Friday, March 4, 2011

Immigration - as the highest priority

Immigration Goal #1 - English speaking
Immigration Goal #2 - Not English countries with a lots of English speakers

Find the easiest & most useful for my career* program through which I will be able to immigrate

* Career=business - as I am going to be a good businessman, I kinda shouldn't worry about my career, though education background and interesting environment is always not only a good plus, but it is also important choice.

Why immigration should be the highest priority for me?

Because at the current point I don't see any promotions at all. Of course until immigration I can do the best for improving my current financial/career/personal development/business growth situation, but if immigration won't be highest priority, situation where I sit here for years can become a reality.

In personal growth every detail is important, so here's the reasons why I think that putting immigration at the first place would be most important step:
1. On the current level of language I am like a dead. I don't like being stuck / without goal, so there should be some goal - and I can't have multiple goals at a time.
2. Can't do business in this country, because of: a. Corruption; b. No way to transfer my business experience into other country; c. Wrong place to start; d. Wrong language terms; e. Everything is wrong; f. No support from friends - because they don't encourage me to immigrate and speak English and do it in European way
3. Lack of money - yes here's not enough salaries in order to compete with the world entrepreneurs with the same skill-sets as mine. Money means something for a start-ups.
4. Spending my youth in a wrong place. It is a rule: the younger you move into other country, the easier learning, adaptation and naturalization process gonna be. So try to move at most earliest age. Well I am 21, and I am sad that I didn't got opportunity of starting living in English-speaking country at earliest ages (better from the childhood). Though, there's a lots of time to learn until 50's, remember the rule of 10 thousand hours, which can make any skill perfect, 10 thousand hours even can make me native English. It means that for 5 years being in English-speaking country, I will be able to become almost native.

Keep life simple, stupid

* You can't acquire and be successful in all things simultaneously. It is hard to be successful even in one field.

Internet marketing is where online business success begins

Hire Internet marketing specialist vs be marketing specialist yourself

This is fully depends on your product/service.

Lets imagine that the cost of one unit of your product/service costs $100.
On the Internet without marketing, you won't be able to sell it.

Then you find someone who suggest to advertise your product to 1000 people for $100.
And here your Internet marketing absolutely depends on how much your product was attractive to those 1000 people who saw it through your marketing channels.

Distinguish the marketing.
There's different ways to market your product on the Internet. Among them are SEO, posting (in forums/blogs/etc).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Internet is more technical fascility rather than marketing tool

Yes, Internet definitely are also a platform for marketing too and though every year people spend their time on the Internet more and more, this is doesn't mean that it is easier and more cost-effective to use Internet as a marketing tool (as exclusion I can mention really interesting, useful Internet projects and SEO which can attract users themselves without advertising, but the problem with such services is that - while Internet is the place where everyone can be economically local, the same reason makes Internet really competitive place, where growing any service takes exclusive quality of attractiveness - and this makes Internet unavailable for low-budget projects).

Therefore the message is clear - advertising and the whole public relations work better in the markets with much space for competition, i.e. it is easier to conquer economy with geographic division. There's still a lots of space for everybody (not like in the Internet where everybody has an access for the offers of the whole world literally in one place).

And if marketing strategy of your business mostly based on seeing the Internet through rose-coloured glasses, I would highly recommend to reconsider your marketing strategies more thoroughly. And I say this not just because you have to bring any user here in virtual reality before it will ever see any advertising, but mostly because of high competition which definitely greatest border in advertising on the Internet.